Sunday 7 July 2013


Taste - Sweetness
Pepsi tastes sweeter than Coke. While this often makes consumers initially like the product more
than Coke, people have reported that it is less enjoyable the more they drink it. Coke's flavor,
which is slightly more bitter and less sweet, is easier to drink over long periods of time. So
consumers are more likely to order a second Coke in a sitting than they are a second Pepsi.

More Emotional Branding
Many of the big Coke ad campaigns involve warm and fuzzy imagery: A jolly Santa Claus,
adorable polar bears and nostalgic paintings. Studies have shown that these types of images
cause people to feel more warmly toward Coke and thus be more likely to reach for the red cans
instead of the blue ones at the store.

More High Profile Marketing Campaigns
With highly visible spots on top-rated shows like "American Idol" and the Superbowl, Coke gets its
brand in front of more people. In the last few years, Pepsi has opted for less traditional
campaigns that have not had huge payoffs.

The World Loves Coke
Most of Coke's business is done outside of North America. Pepsi does not have as strong of a hold
in the rest of the world.

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