Tuesday 23 July 2013


Kaduna -  A husband, Zaiyanu Muhammad of Ibadan Street in Kaduna, has urged the Magajin
Gari Sharia Court to recover the N80,000 bride and other expenses he paid in Saliha
Abdulsalam as wife.
He told the court that the request became necessary because Saliha left the matrimonial home
two days after marrying him.
“I married Saliha on January 13 but she came to my house on January 27.
According to him, when he married Saliha, her parents pleaded with him to give them time to
prepare dowry for her before moving into the matrimonial home.
“But in spite of the N80,000 I gave her, she came to my house with nothing,’’ said the
Muhammad added that he had not seen Saliha since then until they met in the court on July
“Since she is not interested in the marriage, she should return my bride price. I used every
possible means to see her back but to no avail.’’
Saliha, however, denied the allegation.
She told the court that two days into their marriage, Muhammad told her mother that he was
not interested in the marriage.
“He asked me to leave his house, which I did and left for Giwa Local Government Area in
Kaduna state and later to Abuja’’, she said.
According to Saliha, she is ready to go back to his house “because I still love him.’’
The Khadi, Ibrahim Mohammed, said they should go and settle their differences since Saliha
had agreed to return to the complainant’s house.
Mohammed adjourned the case to August 1 for report of settlement or continuation of hearing.

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