Friday 25 July 2014


The road to the August 09 gubernatorial elections in Osun State has been quite bumpy. Not that Adesoji Aregbesola can claim to have had a bumpy ride; he evidently has enjoyed robust support from the entire APC family alongside his unchecked access to state funds and even more in form of incessant loans from banks. I believe he has fears too though, for he has to contend with the obviously mightier Federal power which the PDP has unlimited access to. For Rauf, the fear of the Federal Government is the beginning of wisdom.

Omisore can claim to have challenges too. But, within the most intellectual schools of thought, there is a full understanding of the fact that Omisore has very little to worry about. Aside being a very successful politician and a businessman, he enjoys unlimited access to finances from the almighty federal purse which proverbially, never runs dry. He enjoys financial backing, a very old political structure, and the likelihood that the results of the election might be tilted in his favour if the Federal Government decides not to tow the path of honour.

Fatai Akinbade being the third of the three top contenders on the other hand cannot claim the same level of relaxation. Aside running on the platform of a party which is relatively new to the Osun voting populace, he has no financial backing from any political power house within the nation. All this humble Owu prince has to rely upon is the untainted personality he has and the goodwill of Osun people whom he seeks to serve. He has no godfather, enjoys no external support but yet, his faith in the rational nature of the Yorubas to make wise decisions based on merit has been his only backrest.

However, despite being considered an underdog in the gubernatorial race, it bewilders all human sanity that barely seven months into the race for the government house keys, the personality of Alhaji Fatai Akinade Akinbade is beginning to give certain elements in the Osun political circle serious goose bumps. Precisely speaking, majority of the elements in the PDP who initially played prominent roles in the process leading to the exit of Fatai Akinbade from the party are beginning to feel threatened by the growing support Fatai Akinbade is attracting. What I wonder, is why these self-acclaimed bigwigs believe the man they once tagged a no-factor has now become a threat to the political ambition of their candidate, Senator Iyiola Omisore.

They refused to openly acknowledge this fear, they continued putting up a strong face just the society will keep believing they hold all the stakes; they decided to attack Fatai Akinbade’s ambition by proxy. Time and time again, rumours have continually been circulated by the PDP followers that their principal, Iyiola Omisore has reached a compromise with Alhaji Fatai Akinbade. The initial rumour was that Fatai Akinbade has agreed to step aside for Iyiola Omisore to become the Governor of Osun State under the platform of the PDP. That news was dead on arrival because of the re-energizing of the Fatai Akinbade campaigns across the state at the time that news was dropped into public ears.

Consequent upon the failure of that piece of rumour, the hardworking but vicious media team of the PDP began cooking a new version of the story; Fatai Akinbade has accepted an automatic senatorial ticket with the promise of four Commissioner slots for his followers upon the victory of Iyiola Omisore. What I cannot stop wondering is why these people with all the support they enjoy decide to battle the gentle Owu prince with rumours and media propaganda?

When Fatai Akinbade declared his intentions, he openly declared his resolve to achieve his ambition with level-headedness, respect for the rule of law, total absence of rancor towards any of the governorship aspirants of the twenty something other political parties in the state and he clearly stated, that he holds and will hold no grudge against anybody through the whole process. All through his travails while battling for the Labour Party ticket, he knew the persons using certain disgruntled elements within the Labour Party to cause him setbacks, yet he refused to openly name these persons who have chosen to attack his God-ordained project. I believe he knew that whoever God is fighting for does not sharpen the sword!

Upon hearing the newest rumour dropped today, three questions immediately came up in my little head; if Fatai Akinbade means nothing in the Osun governorship race as being touted in the media, why go to so much length to bring him down through the media? If he means nothing to the PDP, why deceive people into believing he has taken sides with Omisore? Are these people now beginning to truly realize the value of this gentle giant whose reputation in comparison with the other two top contenders still stand at an all-time high?

Between Fatai Akinbade and the rumours making the rounds, as is between God and man, no such media propaganda can deter this man from pursuing his meritorious ambitions to a victorious conclusion. Between Fatai Akinbade and the rumours making the rounds, as is between heaven and the earth, he stands firm in his conviction to rescue Osun State from the shackles of bad leadership and this conviction can never reach a compromise with the rumours. Between Fatai Akinbade and the rumours making the rounds, as is between the black and white colours, there never will be an agreement!

He knows, that the moment he bows to the pressure being mounted through the media, he automatically will lose the respect Osun people has accorded his personality. Bowing to this pressure will mean he has sacrificed his principles for the momentary pleasures that sucking up his previous vomit (the PDP) will afford. If there is anything I know about Fatai Akinbade, it is the fact that he holds his principles in very high esteem, they are non-sacrificial, non-negligible; they simply stand as his code for living.

Aregbesola can begin to pack his bags, for there is a fact that reigns supreme; the end has come for this reign of carelessness. Omisore however should tremble in his inner chambers, because as gentle as the Owu prince looks, lacking in his kind of financial and government support, he has armed himself with the strong weapon of resolution and his ambition remains undeterred looking from any dimension!

Between Fatai Akinbade and the rumours making the rounds, it is a no retreat, no surrender!

1 comment:

  1. I pray fatai akinbade emerge as the governor come august 9. He's so humble and focus. Unlike two ignorant men, making it a "do or die" affair. God bless osun state


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