Wednesday 17 July 2013


A balding old white guy, Steve Sewell, unsuccessfully tried to auction himself off on famous
auction site eBay in an attempt to get the attention of employers.
Steve Sewell, an unemployed 58-year-old British man, put a very low price of $1.50 to attract the
attention of potential employers.
For such a low price eBay bargain hunters could have had their very own human being. But
despite the rock-bottom offer, the posting closed on Monday with no bids. Possibly because
owning a human has historically never ended very well. Either that, or the lack of a return policy.
That's usually a deal breaker right there.
Sewell has a diploma in electrical and electronic engineering, is qualified as an IT technician and
has worked as a mechanic. Another highlight of his long career: working as a toilet paper tester.
In the listing, he described himself as having "some wear to moving parts," as well as being in
used condition with "excellent interpersonal skills, infinite patience and an indestructible sense
of humour." Unfortunately, without the original packaging and accessories it was just too hard of
a sell.
According to the Daily Mail, Sewell claims ageism is the reason he can't find a job. Or maybe his
starting bid was just suspiciously low? Employers want to see self-confidence and self-worth.
You've gotta be worth at least two bucks, man!

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