Monday 8 July 2013


Most of us will remember the good old days when love letters were one of the most widely read pieces of literature! In those days, until you send that love letter, there is hardly a relationship, OMG..gone are the days! I remember one punishment I underwent because of a love letter I wrote in SS 2, it was a sort of literature that conveyed a boy's true feelings but got him caned! It was not the content of my letter that got me caned though, it was my stubborn friend who delivered the letter into the wrong hand!

This morning, I want to reminisce on the good old order of wooing ladies...LOVE LETTERS!


1. Think and reflect on your letter for minimum of one week before writing your first draft. Reflect
on why you like this person and why you want this person in your life. This will give you some
ideas on writing your first love letter.

2. Please don't text, email or call and leave a message like this, "hey What up? Guess what I think I
love you. Are you cool with that???". You may not get a nice reply in return.
It is not necessary to come up with a romantic nick names for your lover. Don't call her Sugar,
Honey, Sweet thing, Babe or that sort in your first letter. Simply Dear ...... is lovely and

3. Simply get a nice letter head and start writing. Pour your heart out but don't be silly, emotional
and try to be funny. Don't copy someone else's love letter or poetry. If you do, it will be for your
own benefit to quote the author or poet.

4. Even though there are no rules of writing a love letter but avoid writing nine and a half pages.
Now a days, no one has that kind of attention span. Try to limit yourself one full single space

5. Read, Reread and Reread your just finished love letter masterpiece. It is important that you don't
mail that letter right away. Reflect on the content and make sure that your creative writing style
don't get you in trouble and possible restraining order from your love.

Please Don't write complicated words; you are not writing thesis paper. Be honest, be yourself and use
simple words like, I love you.

Let's go write those love letters!

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