Monday 8 July 2013


1. Be honest with each other. You will both find members of the opposite sex attractive, no matter
how much you love each other. By acknowledging these truths, you don't have anything to hide
from each other. This leads to a healthier, more refreshing relationship.

2. Listen to him. If you've been with your man for a while, your listening skills may have become
rusty. Try to really listen to him, just like you did when you first started dating. If he doesn't feel
like he's being heard and respected in your relationship, he'll be more likely to turn to someone

3. Let your man be his own person. He needs freedom to do his own thing on a regular basis. If he
hangs out with his buddies once a week, don't make him feel guilty about leaving you behind. It's
important that you both exist as individuals, not just as a unit.

4. Maintain some mystery. Guys sometimes stray because a relationship has gotten too comfortable.
If possible, maintain separate bathrooms. There's no good reason why your guy has to view your
entire process of getting ready. Instead, just let him see the finished product. Also, save the
nudity for foreplay and sex. If you always walk around naked, he's less likely to be excited by it.
Mix up your routine. Couples oftentimes establish routines, even in the bedroom. If your
lovemaking has become bland, spice things up. Try different types of foreplay, or incorporate
costumes, food items or role-playing into your sex life. He'll be less likely to cheat if he's intrigued
by what you two having going on sexually.

5. Make time for each other. If you both work full time and have extracurricular activities, it can be
difficult to find time together. Kids only compound this issue. It's essential that you carve out time
to nurture your relationship. In addition to weekly date nights, set aside half an hour every day
where you just chat one-on-one.

6. Compliment him. Just like you enjoy hearing compliments, he does, too. Guys suffer from the
same self-esteem issues that women do so tell him that you still find him sexy.
Do small things that make him feel special. Leave a love note on his car windshield or pick up his
favorite beer from the market. Little things go a long way to showing him that you care. He'll feel
appreciated and you'll be on his mind as a result.

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