Friday 12 July 2013


1. The first step to win your ex girlfriend back in 5 steps is to be thoughtful at all times. Let her
know that you want to be in her life by calling and sending sweet text messages. Please note that
this should not be done in excess. This should be done occasionally, just to let her know she's
frequently on your mind.

2. Every girl likes to be pampered and feel she is special! The best way to accomplish this goal is to
consistently remember certain dates, such as her birthday for example. Let her know she is
significant and you care for her.

3. This third step to win your ex girlfriend back might be difficult. Avoid going out on intimate
dates. Your main focus should be getting your ex girlfriend back in your life. Even though you
might be depressed, the best way to release the stress would be to hang out and socialize with

4. Getting an ex back takes persistence, optimism and various tactics. One of the most effective ways
to win your ex girlfriend back in 5 steps, is through direct physical contact.

5. Touch her every now and then to let her know that you are interested, and make her know that you have deep feelings for her. Communication is key in the making up process.

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