Wednesday 7 August 2013


Newly Re - Elected Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, as hit on former South African
President and Freedom fighter Nelson Mandela . Last week President Robert Mugabe , won
another 5 years in offices, after spending about 33 years as Zimbabwe President .
President Robert Mugabe was speaking last week and voices his own opinion during a rally he
held to celebrate his seventh election victory . Mugabe believes that in ‘ winning’ the latest
election, he has proved himself the greatest African leader, ever .
Reports monitored by international agencies had it that Mugabe told the rally : “ My huge
victory in these elections proves I am the greatest leader in the history of Africa.” He went on
to say that the world should love him more “ than the idiot Mandela. ” He followed by saying
that he worked hard to fight colonialism while Mandela “ the coward Nelson Mandela sat on his
butt in prison for 27 years , ” and according to Mugabe, this makes Mandela a coward. The 89 -
year- old Mugabe is well- known for delivering fiery speeches but blasting Nelson Mandela,
who remains in hospital fighting for his life, is a low blow , even for Mugabe.

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