Tuesday 10 September 2013


It seems that going out, getting drunk and then getting into a fight is
no longer reserved for humans after a feral pig reportedly went on a
violent, alcohol-fuelled bender.
The swine drank 18 beers on its bender in Port Hedland, Western
Australia, according to ABC News.
The alcohol also made the pig hungry and was seen looking through
rubbish bags for something to eat.
‘In the middle of the night these people camping opposite us heard a
noise, so they got their torch out and shone it on the pig and there he
was, scrunching away at their cans,’ said a camper who had
witnessed the hog’s shenanigans.
If this wasn’t bad enough the animal then got into fisticuffs with a
cow and came off worse in the exchange.
‘Then he went and raided all the rubbish bags,’ the camper added.
‘There were some other people camped right on the river and they saw
him being chased around their vehicle by a cow.’
The last sighting of the pig was of it lying under a tree after
seemingly becoming overwhelmed by the alcohol, with police actively
looking to locate it.

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