Tuesday 7 May 2013



Wallace D. Wattles wrote, “There is a Cosmic Intelligence which is in all things and through all things. This is the one real substance. From it all things proceed. It is Intelligent Substance or Mind Stuff. It is God”. He describes the existence of a greater power in man, the nature of that power and the personality of that power – GOD.
In Emerson’s essay on the “Oversoul”, he wrote that, “Man is a stream whose source is hidden...I am constrained every moment to acknowledge a higher origin from events than the will I call mine”. He continued thus, “Meantime, within man is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One”. He also supports the notion that there is a greater power in man than what he calls his mind or his will.
Wallace and Emerson believed man could not be capable of his ingenuity except from the presence of a power inside of him, greater than his own will. Man, isolated and left alone is incapacitated, useless at best. But, the presence of a higher supernatural power in him gives strength to his will and purpose to his living.
The reality of the making of every man is that, man is made of flesh and bone, blood and water alone which lend no helping hand to the attainment of his purpose. Flesh and bone, blood and water are not even enough to keep him alive let alone make him great. The life in him that keeps these tissues and parts alive, which cannot be medically returned when it departs, is proof to the fact that there is a power within him that goes beyond his will alone.
Napoleon Hill wrote that, “Nature has wrapped up in the impulse of strong desire that something which recognizes no such word as impossible and accepts no such reality as failure”. A strong desire is a man’s will in connection to the greater power within him.
Inspiration is a common word in the dictionary of achievers as a channel through which they receive ideas for newer discoveries and inventions. However, inspiration does not just occur, man cannot command it to happen; it is a sort of ministration from his spirit to his mind. This spirit that ministers to him is the greater power that exists inside of him. For inspiration to happen, it takes the man being in harmony with the greater power in him, the spirit that resides in him.
It is this greater power living in man that great prophets of present and of old have come in serious contact with that has empowered the words of their mouth and given them the power to speak and see it come to pass. They have identified the power living in them and have submitted to its will and are thus strengthened through the power of that inner man.
For you to live above ordinary and achieve beyond the state of an ordinary man, you must come in contact with that power living within you and have it lend credence and power to your desires and your life. It is the ultimate success guide that the power to succeed, is in YOU.

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